Dance Workshop
Adrián Santana
18 - 29 June 2015
Choreography classes
*technique requires to dance choreography for any dance form. Choreography classes come with technique classes. Only taking choreography is not allowed.

1) Alegrias con bata de cola and abanico (small fan)
Elementary to Intermediate
*Please bring your own bata de cola.
5 hours of technique and 7.5 hours of choreography course.
Alegrias is a joyful dance, in compas of 12 beats. This course provide to learn how to dance with bata de cola in a joyful setting.
2) Bambera with manton (big shawl)
Intermediate to Advanced
7 hours of technique and 10.5 hours of choreography course.
Bambera is derives from the cante de columpio, meaning "song of the swing", which is one of the traditional Andalusian song forms associated with flamenco. 12 beats. Very sorrow, sentimental flamenco.
Technique A and B Class
All levels
1 hour everyday
Technique is the most fundamental elements to dance and perform. This course provides to focus on footwork, arms, hands, body movement, turns, palmas, bata de cola (only the days with alegrias)
Technique A (18-24 June) : focus on footworks
Technique B (25-29 June) : focus on bata de cola
Fiesta por Tangos
All levels
1.5 hours a day, total 6 hours weekend course
Tangos flamencos, not to be confused with the Argentine tango, comprises flamenco palos such as tangos, tientos, farruca, garrotín and rumba and tanguillos, plus other rare palos such as marianas.
The tango compas is a very dynamic and strongly accented rhythm. Its rhythmic pattern counts four beats, the first one often being a rest beat and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th beat being marked
Technique and Bambera : escobilla & bulerias with manton
18 June at Harbour Road Sports Centre Dance Room Large
27 Harbour Road (Tel:28279684)
20:10-21:10 Technique
21:15-22:45 Bambera
19 June at Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park Sports Centre
18 Eastern Street North, Sai Ying Pun (tel: 28582493)
20:10-21:10 Technique
21:15-22:45 Bambera
20 June at Hong Kong Park Sports Centre
29 Cotton Tree Drive, Queensway, Hong Kong (Tel:25215072)
10:10-11:10 Technique
11:15-12:45 Bambera
13:00-14:30 Tangos
21 June at Wong Nai Chung Sports Centre
4/F, Wong Nai Chung Compex , 2 Yuk Sau Street, Happy Valley, H.K. (Tel:2891 8438)
10:10-11:10 Technique
11:15-12:45 Bambera
13:00-14:30 Tangos
22 June at Java Road Sports Centre - Dance Room
No. 99 Java Road, 3F, Java Road Municipal Services Building, North Point (Tel: 25169415)
20:10-21:10 Technique
21:15-22:45 Bambera
23 June at Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park Sports Centre
18 Eastern Street North, Sai Ying Pun (tel: 28582493)
20:10-21:10 Technique
21:15-22:45 Bambera
24 June at Wong Nai Chung Sports Centre
4/F, Wong Nai Chung Compex , 2 Yuk Sau Street, Happy Valley, H.K. (Tel:2891 8438)
20:10-21:10 Technique
21:15-22:45 Bambera
Technique and Alegrias : bata de cola and abanico
25 June at Harbour Road Sports Centre Dance Room Large
27 Harbour Road (Tel:28279684)
20:10-21:10 Technique
21:15-22:45 Alegrias
26 June at Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park Sports Centre
18 Eastern Street North, Sai Ying Pun (tel: 28582493)
20:10-21:10 Technique
21:15-22:45 Alegrias
27 June at Wong Nai Chung Sports Centre
4/F, Wong Nai Chung Compex , 2 Yuk Sau Street, Happy Valley, H.K. (Tel:2891 8438)
13:10-14:10 Technique
14:15-15:45 Alegrias
16:00-17:30 Tangos
28 June at Wong Nai Chung Sports Centre
4/F, Wong Nai Chung Compex , 2 Yuk Sau Street, Happy Valley, H.K. (Tel:2891 8438)
13:30-14:30 Technique
14:30-16:00 Alegrias
17:00-18:30 Tangos
29 June at Java Road Sports Centre - Dance Room
No. 99 Java Road, 3F, Java Road Municipal Services Building, North Point (Tel: 25169415)
20:10-21:10 Technique
21:15-22:45 Alegrias
Fiesta por Tangos
Saturday 20 13:00-14:30
Hong Kong Park Sports Centre
29 Cotton Tree Drive, Queensway, Hong Kong (Tel:25215072)
Sunday 21 June 13:00-14:30
Wong Nai Chung Sports Centre
4/F, Wong Nai Chung Compex , 2 Yuk Sau Street, Happy Valley, H.K. (Tel:2891 8438)
Saturday 27 June 16:00-17:30 and Sunday 28 June 17:00-18:30
Wong Nai Chung Sports Centre
4/F, Wong Nai Chung Compex , 2 Yuk Sau Street, Happy Valley, H.K. (Tel:2891 8438)
*Please contact for the venue information.
**The organizer reserves its right to change the venue, class schedule and course content.